Unit 2: Automatic update on Snapchat

Snapchats recent update has high school students, college students, and even grown adults in a state of outrage. The ‘best friend’ feature, that let you view who other users were snapchatting the most, was removed. Shocking, I know! People are never dissatisfied with an app update!

“They should have gave us some warning,” my niece, a junior in high school, practically screamed when I asked her how she felt about the change. “Now I won’t know who my boyfriend is snapping.” She even mentioned deleting the app and insisting that her boyfriend do the same until the app reinstates the feature. “It’s just not fair,” she told me.

Not accepting the recent update is understandable if you are a high school student or even in college. But stressing out over something so minor as an adult is plain crazy. A woman in her mid-thirties ranted on about how she couldn’t see who her lover was snapping anymore. She almost failed to mention that she was married and having an affair. Somebody needs to get their priorities straight.

According to mainenewsonline.com, the CEO of snapchat, Evan Spiegel, has given a statement that the feature would be restored, but it may be in a different form. (To read the whole article, please visit http://mainenewsonline.com/content/15012593-snapchat-eliminates-best-friends-feature-only-be-restored)

Just one of the many hilarious #snapchatupdate memes that I found I google images. Poor Kimmy K.

Unit 1: A Weekend Without Internet

Before leaving for Europe in May of 2014, there wasn’t a single day (for at least five years) that I didn’t have access to the internet and social media. While at home, here in the U.S., my tablet or my phone rarely leaves my line of vision. All social media sites are in the palm of my hand, literally, at any time. Even while I’m at work.

However, while I was abroad, my access to the worldwide web was extremely limited.

I spent a weekend on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, sleeping under the stars. No tent, no bathroom, no mirror, no cell service, and no wifi. As soon as I took a photo, I wanted to upload it to Instagram so that my friends at home would be jealous of my sweet camping spot. I wanted to update my Facebook status right away to let everyone know that I jumped off of the cliffs into aqua sea and then enjoyed fresh seafood paella while sipping cold sangria in the shaded coves, watching the tiny waves crash onto the Costa Blanca. I would have added #paradise to my caption, along with this photo.


Being off the grid and locked out of the social media world drove me crazy for that entire weekend. After being home I realized how lucky I was to have that experience through my own eyes, instead of being glued to my cell phone twenty-four seven. You miss a lot of things in life when you are preoccupied with technology.  However, I am happy to be home where the internet is only a touch away.